Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Teamcenter: How to compile ITK program

Compiling ITK Program

You will need to follow below steps to compile ITK program:

1. Install "Sample project" feature of Teamcenter which creates samples folder in TC_ROOT directory.

2. Create a simple ITK program. Example is given below:


int ITK_user_main(int argc, char* argv[])

        printf(( "Welcome to PLM\n"));
        return 0;


3. Install VisualStudio.

4. Open TC command prompt and check if MSDEV_HOME is already set, if not set then set it to            <VisualStudio/VC> directory like C:\ProgramFiles\MVS11\VC.

5. Compile code with the help of below command which will create OBJ file.
     %TC_ROOT%\sample\compile -DIPLIB=none create_items.c

6. Create exe file from OBJ file with the help of below command.
      %TC_ROOT%\sample\linkitk -o create_items create_items.obj